
inglise keele lisatöö huvilistele

Näete linnaplaani, mida on vaja juhendi järgi täiendada. Salvestage plaan oma arvutisse (parem hiireklõps pildil - Save picture as) ja täiendage seda mõne joonistusprogrammiga (Paint, Paint.NET, Drawing for Children jne) ja riputage siis oma ajaveebi üles. Tööd vaatan üle 10. aprillil.

õpetaja Ingrid

  1. There is a yellow church in Queen Street.
  2. There is a library opposite the church.
  3. There is a yellow café in King Street.
  4. There is a park next to the café.
  5. There are two apple-trees in the park. You can see red apples.
  6. There is a park between the café and the cinema.
  7. There is a school next to the library.
  8. There is a blue block of flats in Queen Street.
  9. There is a department store opposite the school.
  10. There is a green sports centre in King Street.
  11. There is a shop opposite the sports centre.
  12. There is a pub between the sports centre and the snack bar.
  13. There is a private house next to the shop and opposite the cinema.
  14. There is a museum next to the block of flats.
  15. There is another park behind the shop and the private house.
  16. There is a yellow car in Queen Street near the library.
  17. There are three ducks in the river.
  18. There is a stone next to the cinema.

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